Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Anonymous Girl life interrupted

Open for business one day and got my first comment asking for advice, Well Ms. Anonymous, here we go.

Well, five years with the same guy, hint of marriage and you keep hanging on. He must have been raised on a dairy farm and believes in the old adage about buying cows when the milk is free. You've hung on for five years, put you life on hold, for what? After all this time, the threat of walking out the door means nothing!!

He knows how to manipulate you and will sweet talk you right into his bedroom with promises of commitment. Some roses, a few dinners, some cheap wine, and shazaam, you will be reaching out to another anonymous blogger for love advice. STOP ACTING LIKE A LOSER. DON'T BE TAKEN FOR GRANTED ANY LONGER.

Stop acting like a wife if you aren't one and make him beg to keep you. More torturous than water boarding, indifference by a submissive partner will strike at the heart of this male's ego. If you work, start staying late. Go out with the girls and stay over at one's house for the night. When dressing in the morning, go through no less three outfits in front of him and don't ask his advice on any of them, just smile and nod to yourself in the mirror when you have made a choice. Only if he wonders, will he start feeling the threat that is inherent in every man's genes, that his cave is being invaded by a stranger and HIS woman is being taken.

Now, I have no clue as to why you would love this charming fellow, but

if he starts paying attention because of a threat to his ego, he doesn't give a damn about you and you need to drop him now. What an ass, to treat a human being like a possession and pay attention to a woman because of what you may lose as it reflects on you is what females have been putting up with for years. Of course, the only reason you have stayed with him is his empty promise, so he has done everything right.

Find a nice guy who likes you for you and no other reason. But of course, after years of putting up with shit, all you will do is make this new guy's life miserable by reflecting on your one true love and weaving him and those glorious five years into conversations until this new guy gets the guts to dump you.

So Sez Sax.....

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