Monday, March 31, 2008

Dating for Dating's sake

As even I would struggle as to how to gauge a woman and goal of this relationship, a wise friend of mine said, "why do you have to date to marry, why can't you date to date." Now this is a lesson that some of you who can trace your lineage to sheep herders roaming Balkan hills may have forgotten. Keep a ewe until she no longer can physically or emotionally provide you with the comfort and emotional support you crave and move on.( Sheep may be substituted for any item, animate or inanimate, for those of you from the Kentucky Lakes area).

Why does meeting someone have to lead to anything? Once you realize your true potential you will manifest who is needed. Until then, learn to enjoy the company of who you are with and relish every experience with that person. If you are not enjoying what is happening, then get the hell out. One of the first times I realized that I had finally matured(yeah right), is when I had a beautiful woman within my grasp. I sat there, not trying anything physical, just watched her looking at a video on the tele. All that was on my mind was could you please leave so I can go watch a buddy of mine play music. This woman had everything, great looks, great body, and her financial and professional life were on a roll. But that voice inside said no, let her go, and I am glad I did. She is a wonderful person, but just not the right one for me.

One school of thought is why should I waste my time with this person. First of all, we can learn and grow from all types of experiences. Thinking that I knew what I wanted in life and having stepped on enough land mines for other guys in my life time, I began to date again. I have met absolutely wonderful women, some of who I have adored and others whose absurdity I thought could be handled because I was the New Sax. Just as mythical creatures can rise from ashes, we can all grow and learn from a disastrous and embarrassing relationship. Once I regressed into Old Sax, until an amazing human being asked me, in an innocent way, why I date the same type of woman,.That one statement once again opened my eyes and I realized which was just going back to people with whom I had always been comfortable because they treated me badly. Why did I step in the same pile of shit I had just wiped off - because I had never been worthy of more.

Unfortunately, I am not the only one who has indulged in this reoccurring pattern of non-sensible behavior. We are amazing creatures with an ability to see the mistakes of others while being completely blinded to our own follies. It must be part of our self preservation. When we make the same mistakes, maybe we are being told that we just are not quite ready to take the next step forward and must have a deja vu until we wake up from this dream to the next level. We are Bill Murray in Ground Hog Day.

When we meet this new paramour, the new Mr./Ms. Perfect, we become enthralled with the physical aspects. But eventually, the person will have to speak, act and interact with life and we will have to start listening to those inner voices that tell us in that Ren manner, "Geet ouut, geet ouuut naaoww"!!! Some of you listen, some of us don't. Fortunately, for some reason I have been able to survive the attack of the killer rabbit and I did not even run away. Yes my little princesses, even Sax is scarred in many ways and is weary of fighting any more stupid battles, because relationship, although work, should not be a war with competing interests seeking to dominate.

So never settle for anything or anyone else who is not worthy of you. believe in your own self worth and do not date with a purpose. Let things go where they go, because that is the way it is meant to be. Think about what you really want, what you really deserve and the roads that lead to this ultimate goal will unfold before you,

So Sez SAx...

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