Monday, April 7, 2008

Anonymous Meets Obsessive Cyber-Dater

Well, that Babe Anonymous has reared her head once again and is snooping around the internet trying to bust her man. Let's see, you meet a guy on line and you are shocked, shocked, that he is on line. Sweety, if you have marched through all the men in your town like Sherman went through Georgia and have to rely on the internet to meet fresh meat, do you think there is a issue?

For his sake, you did the right thing, but the problems with the relationship are much deeper. Oh thee of little faith in their men, evidently did not read up on the date-nup agreement we have discussed before. What more do you expect from this guy? You also have to wonder, why is he on-line? Maybe that wife and kids he has back in Altoona is just not cutting it anymore and he has decided to sow his bytes around the country.

But the bottom line is, you are right for a willingness to lie about those facts that can be accessed at the touch of the button, is the tip of this guy's deceitful personality. What would occur when hewent out of town on business? Could you really trust this guy? Why do people have this uncanny ability to have, within their life, the best person in the world, who treats them well and then just shit on them. Are people who are nice just too readily available? Are they not playing enough games? Are they treating you better than you believe you should deserve? We have an amazing ability to project our deepest fears about a relationship.

So keep on Surfing, Snooping, and Sluething, and don't put up or trust any of these guys until they give you a damn good reason to do so,

So Sez Sax.....

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