Sunday, April 20, 2008

Yeah he has a Serious Ass Problem, but he needs me!

My heart goes out for those who believe they have found their soul mate, only to find that Mr./Ms. Perfect has another, more powerful love. Addiction to alcohol or drugs is something that you just can't compete with. You can't ever dress nicer, make love better, look prettier, and be a more creative partner when the your opposition is an uncontrollable physical and/or psychological urge.

The problem is when you divert your life from it's normal course, and meet someone who rocks. You get to know them and they are incredible. But once the demons rear their ugly heads, If he/she truly loves you and recognizes that they have a problem, there are the resources available for most people to get out of the hole. If you are willing to deal with the repeated false promises, the relapses that will never happen again. The potential of a life altering incident, such an arrest or an accident, exists every time you leave the sanctuary of your home with this person. If you become another one of their obsessions, then it becomes dangerous for you.

So, if there is true love, if this is the person the universe has planned for you to meet, there are conditions to your happiness. These involve one making a change and committing to it. If the fool is willing to lose you over drugs or booze, they are a piece of work who needs to find their love connection at the end of a bottle or after sharing a line with another stuck in the same abyss.

People have a innate right to live as they wish, but there is no reason, other than doubts about yourself and what happiness you deserve, to jump aboard a sinking ship. Let the fool go, your job is to love, not save. It will always be their loss, though they will destroy your ego rather than admit it,

So Sez Sax......

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